Our Classes
The WWAC offers a few different on-going classes. All classes follow the same basic format covering: cold-reading, audition technique, improv & character development. The main focus of the classes is scene study for film & TV. Our students have the unique opportunity to be coached by Will, a working director/producer, and Sara, a busy casting director. We also frequently invite guest filmmakers (directors, casting directors, managers, etc.) to visit class.
For any questions on the classes below, please Email the studio at wallaceacting@gmail.com
Monday Night Advanced Class
Our Monday night advanced class is taught by Will Wallace & Sara Wallace, (alternating every two weeks). The class meets in Studio City from 6:00-9:00pm on Monday evenings. Students start out at a rate of $375/month. After two months the rate drops to $300/month. While the class is on-going, we only ask for a month to month commitment, so students only pay for a month at a time.
* Auditors are welcome to join the class upon request. We offer a one time partial working audit. Auditors are invited to participate in improv and warm-ups and then watch the scene work. The audit fee of $30 must be paid in advance or at the start of class.